
Best Cheap 12 Pack Zombie Targets (Patient Zero) Web Store

Thinking about buying 12 Pack Zombie Targets (Patient Zero)? This site has the ideal choice of ItemTitle. Purchase the top-quality for 12 Pack Zombie Targets (Patient Zero) to your home with Wonderful Deal and Fast Delivery on qualify items.

12 Pack Zombie Targets (Patient Zero) Features

  • 23 x 35 Inches in Dimension
  • 60 Weight Paper
  • Unique Designs Created By Professional Artists
  • Standard Firing Range Sized Targets

12 Pack Zombie Targets (Patient Zero) Overview

You will receive 12 Zombie Targets (Patient Zero). They are all full sized, firing range standard targets that give you something different to shoot at on the range, airsoft field, paintball field, and archery. These targets are uniquely designed by us, and have scoring grids on each targets which indicate a Kill vs. Disable score. Each target is 23 by 35 inches in dimension, printed on white 60 pound weight stock paper. WARNING: You must be 18 or older to purchase Targets. Please check your State, County and City laws for restrictions before ordering Targets.

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